What’s New Wednesday

There will be a two-hour early dismissal for professional development on Monday, April 24. Students
will dismiss at 1:40. There are no extended day activities on early release days.

The Side by Side Board of Directors and administration will be hosting a parent forum on Wednesday,
May 3 at 6:30pm in the gymnasium. This will be an opportunity for parents to provide feedback directly
to our school administration and board members about the state of Side by Side. This is an event for
parents only (childcare will not be provided.)

There will be two parent vacancies on the SBS Board of Directors for the next school year. Information
about the terms and responsibilities is forthcoming.

The Norwalk Public Schools First Book 23, a town wide celebration of reading, will take place on
Saturday, May 20 from 11-3 P.M. Volunteers are needed, please scan the QR code on the attached flyer
for additional details about how to help.

The Norwalk Public School district Family Center at 1 Park Street is open from 8:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. to
assist families with the kindergarten registration process.

Fares have resumed for all Norwalk Transit services, as of Saturday, April 1st.

Norwalk Parks and Recreation summer camp registration will take place on a platform called campsite.
Use the link tinyurl.com/norwalkcamps.

The SONO library is giving away free Covid test kits. Please see the flyer for details.

Please see the attached flyer to learn more about NEVBC Summer Volleyball camps for beginners,
advanced and high school pre-season position training for local youth. Financial aid is available

Evelyn Quigley
Parent Community Coordinator

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