Picture Re-take Day and Dress Down Day

Picture re-takes are available upon request.  Please call the main office if you would like a portrait taken of your student and return the original portrait package to school.  This is also a dress down day for students and staff.

Picture Re-take and Dress Down Day

Picture re-take day available upon request.  Please let the main office if you want to have your child's portrait taken and return your original portrait package.  This is also a dress down day for students and staff.

Picture Re-take and Dress Down Day

Picture re-takes available upon request.  Please let the office know if you want your child's photo taken and return the original portrait package.  This is also a dress down day for students and staff.

Scholastic Bookfair

SBS Gymnasium

The SBS Scholastic Bookfair will take place in the school gymnasium during the week of December 6 through December 10.